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Couple Promise Rings Set are an excellent way to show your love.

Do you know what a promise ring actually is? It symbolizes the love and bond that two people share. Different from the engagement or wedding ring, it can mark an important moment in the relationship between two people. It is a personal and intimate reminder of a relationship or friendship with a lot of promise. You don't need to wait for an occasion to gift it to someone who means a lot to you. Find out who you could gift a the promise ring to and how to choose one.

What is a Promise Ring?

The promise ring is a piece of jewelry that is loaded with symbols. We offer them to special people who have shaped our lives in some way or another such as family, spouse, close friends. They signify the commitment of two people that envision the future together. They are known as "pre-engagement" rings because of this. If you've decided to wear it at the same time as your loved one will be talking about couple (or friendship) rings. Once worn, this rings is filled with the most romantic emotions that your beloved will take with them everywhere. Even if you are not married or engaged, you can offer this beautiful and unique piece of jewelry to someone you cherish: family, siblings, children, brother or friend...

Who should you promise a rings to and when?

For men and women, promise rings are generally handed out during special moments in the relationship. They are the most coveted markers of a milestone your couple is about to reach, of an exceptional occasion or of special moments with your beloved one. This could be a birthday celebration or vacation, or even an issue that you have overcome together. A promise ring is a unique way to express your love for your beloved after a difficult time. This classic symbol and tradition will strengthen your relationship. A promise ring to be given at the time of a birth is a beautiful expression of love and commitment to one another. This gesture symbolizes a deep connection between a couple who just started a family without vowing engagement or marriage.

How do you wear this ring?

This piece of jewelry is able to be worn every day. There's no set rule for wearing it. Any finger can receive your promise ring. However, many people prefer to wear it like the wedding ring, on their left finger that is the ring. It is also possible to wear it on your middle finger, or around your neck as pendants. It's important to feel comfortable. Wear it on the same ring finger as your partner to attain harmony.

Choosing your promise ring

Choose the promise ring you'll give with care. Start by knowing the preferences of the recipient. The promise ring can reflect her style and tastes however it isn't obligatory.

The promise ring design is usually more thin and elegant than an engagement ring or wedding ring. The quality should be high: favor gold or silver with a small precious stone for women.

The classic promise ring is simple and elegant. It is typically made from silver or gold, and is a symbol of enduring and special bond of love. If you wish to personalize your ring choose one engraved with special messages.

The promise ring adorned with gems is a stunning alternative for people who love statement jewelry. Be aware of the meaning of the stone: lapis lazuli for friendship, rose quartz to symbolize the softness of a tender and loving mother as well as ruby for love...

Simpler rings made from precious metal represent the purity of love. They are elegant and elegant on the hands of both men and women.


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