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Kana Version vs Romanized Version: Which One Should You Choose for Japanese For Busy People I (Japanese For Busy People Series)?

Japanese For Busy People I: Kana Version (Japanese For Busy People Series) Downloads Torrent

Do you want to learn Japanese but you don't have much time or money to spend on classes or textbooks? Do you wish you could master the basics of Japanese in a fun and easy way? If you answered yes to these questions, then you should download Japanese For Busy People I: Kana Version (Japanese For Busy People Series) today!

Japanese For Busy People I: Kana Version (Japanese For Busy People Series) Downloads Torrent

This book is one of the most popular and effective Japanese textbooks for beginners. It teaches you everything you need to know to start communicating in Japanese in various situations. It also helps you develop your reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills in a balanced way.

In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about this amazing book. We will explain what kana is and why it is essential for learning Japanese. We will also show you what are the main features of the book and how to download it and the supplementary materials. Finally, we will give you some tips on how to use the book effectively for learning Japanese.

What is kana and why is it important for learning Japanese?

Kana is the name of the two syllabic scripts that are used to write Japanese words. They are called hiragana and katakana. Each script has 46 basic characters that represent different sounds or syllables. For example, あ is pronounced as "a" in hiragana, while ア is pronounced as "a" in katakana.

The difference between hiragana and katakana

Hiragana and katakana have different shapes and uses. Hiragana is mainly used to write native Japanese words, grammatical particles, verb endings, and other elements of Japanese sentences. Katakana is mainly used to write foreign words, loanwords, onomatopoeia, scientific terms, names of plants and animals, and other words that need emphasis or distinction.

For example, look at these two sentences:

わたしは にほんご を べんきょう します

Watashi wa nihongo o benkyou shimasu.

I study Japanese.

私は 日本語 を 勉強 します

Watashi wa nihongo o benkyou shimasu.

I study Japanese.

The first sentence is written entirely in hiragana, while the second sentence is written in a combination of kanji (the Chinese characters that are also used in Japanese) and hiragana. Both sentences have the same meaning and pronunciation, but the second sentence is more formal and easier to read.

Now, look at these two sentences:

わたしは コーヒー が すき です

Watashi wa koohii ga suki desu.

I like coffee.

私は コーヒー が 好き です

Watashi wa koohii ga suki desu.

I like coffee.

The first sentence is written in a combination of hiragana and katakana, while the second sentence is written in a combination of kanji, hiragana, and katakana. Both sentences have the same meaning and pronunciation, but the second sentence uses kanji for the word "like" and katakana for the word "coffee". This is because "coffee" is a foreign word that originated from English, and katakana is used to indicate that.

How to read and write kana

To read and write kana, you need to learn the 46 basic characters of each script and their corresponding sounds. You also need to learn some additional characters that are formed by adding diacritical marks or small strokes to the basic characters. For example, か is pronounced as "ka" in hiragana, but if you add a small circle to it, it becomes が, which is pronounced as "ga". Similarly, カ is pronounced as "ka" in katakana, but if you add a small circle to it, it becomes ガ, which is pronounced as "ga".

You also need to learn some special combinations of characters that represent different sounds or syllables. For example, きゃ is pronounced as "kya" in hiragana, while キャ is pronounced as "kya" in katakana. These combinations are formed by using a small version of one of the five vowel characters (あいうえお or アイウエオ) after a consonant character (except for ん or ン).

To write kana, you need to follow some rules and conventions for stroke order and direction. Stroke order refers to the order in which you draw the lines or curves that make up each character. Stroke direction refers to the direction in which you move your pen or pencil when drawing each stroke. These rules and conventions are important for writing kana neatly and correctly.

Tips and tricks for memorizing kana

Memorizing kana can seem daunting at first, but there are some tips and tricks that can help you. Here are some of them:

  • Use mnemonics or memory aids to associate each character with a word or an image that resembles its shape or sound. For example, you can remember あ as an apple, か as a car, カ as a cat, etc.

  • Practice writing kana by hand using worksheets or flashcards. This will help you reinforce your memory and improve your handwriting.

  • Practice reading kana by using books, websites, apps, or games that have texts written in kana or have audio recordings of kana words or sentences. This will help you improve your pronunciation and comprehension.

  • Review kana regularly by testing yourself or using spaced repetition software. This will help you prevent forgetting and consolidate your learning.

What are the main features of the book?

Now that you know what kana is and why it is important for learning Japanese, let's take a look at what makes Japanese For Busy People I: Kana Version (Japanese For Busy People Series) such a great book for beginners. Here are some of the main features of the book:

The structure and content of the book

The book consists of 25 lessons that cover various topics and situations that are relevant for busy people who want to learn Japanese. Each lesson has four parts: dialogue, vocabulary, grammar, and practice.

or more characters who use the target language and expressions of the lesson. The dialogue is written in kana and has English translations and notes.

The vocabulary part lists the new words and phrases that appear in the dialogue and explains their meanings and usage. The vocabulary is also written in kana and has English translations and notes.

The grammar part explains the grammatical structures and rules that are used in the dialogue and gives examples of how to use them in different contexts. The grammar is also written in kana and has English translations and notes.

The practice part provides exercises and activities that help you review and apply what you have learned in the lesson. The practice includes listening, speaking, reading, writing, and role-playing tasks.

The audio and video materials that accompany the book

The book comes with a CD-ROM that contains audio and video files that complement the book. The audio files include recordings of the dialogues, vocabulary, grammar, and practice sections of each lesson. The video files include clips of native speakers performing the dialogues and role-plays of each lesson.

The audio and video materials are very useful for improving your listening and speaking skills. You can listen to them on your computer or on your portable device. You can also watch them on your TV or on your online platform.

The exercises and quizzes that test your knowledge and skills

The book also has a website that offers online exercises and quizzes that test your knowledge and skills. The online exercises and quizzes are based on the content of the book and cover all the aspects of the language: vocabulary, grammar, listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

The online exercises and quizzes are very helpful for reinforcing your learning and checking your progress. You can access them anytime and anywhere. You can also get instant feedback and scores.

How to download the book and the supplementary materials?

If you are interested in downloading Japanese For Busy People I: Kana Version (Japanese For Busy People Series) and the supplementary materials, you have several options to choose from. Here are some of them:

The official website of the publisher

The official website of the publisher is On this website, you can find information about the book and its authors, as well as links to buy or download the book and the supplementary materials. You can also find other books and resources from the same publisher.

The online platforms that offer the book and the materials

There are many online platforms that offer the book and the materials for sale or for free. Some of them are:

  • Amazon: This is one of the most popular online platforms for buying books and other products. You can find both physical copies and digital copies of the book and the materials on this platform.

  • Audible: This is one of the most popular online platforms for buying audiobooks and other audio products. You can find both physical CDs and digital downloads of the audio files on this platform.

  • YouTube: This is one of the most popular online platforms for watching videos and other media content. You can find some of the video files on this platform for free.

The torrent sites that provide free downloads

There are also some torrent sites that provide free downloads of the book and the materials. However, we do not recommend using these sites because they may be illegal, unsafe, or unreliable. Some of these sites are:

  • The Pirate Bay: This is one of the most notorious torrent sites that provides free downloads of various media content. You can find some copies of the book and the materials on this site, but they may be incomplete, outdated, or infected with viruses.

  • Kickass Torrents: This is another well-known torrent site that provides free downloads of various media content. You can find some copies of the book and the materials on this site, but they may also be incomplete, outdated, or infected with viruses.

  • 1337x: This is a newer torrent site that provides free downloads of various media content. You can find some copies of the book and the materials on this site, but they may also be incomplete, outdated, or infected with viruses.

How to use the book effectively for learning Japanese?

Downloading Japanese For Busy People I: Kana Version (Japanese For Busy People Series) and the supplementary materials is not enough to learn Japanese. You also need to use the book effectively for learning Japanese. Here are some tips on how to do that:

The recommended pace and schedule for studying the book

The recommended pace and schedule for studying the book depends on your level, goals, and availability. However, a general guideline is to study one lesson per week, spending about an hour per day on each part of the lesson. For example, you can spend 15 minutes on the dialogue, 15 minutes on the vocabulary, 15 minutes on the grammar, and 15 minutes on the practice.

You can also adjust your pace and schedule according to your needs and preferences. For example, you can study more than one lesson per week if you have more time or want to progress faster. You can also study less than one lesson per week if you have less time or want to review more thoroughly.

The best ways to practice speaking and listening with the book

The best ways to practice speaking and listening with the book are to use the audio and video materials that accompany the book. You can do the following activities with them:

  • Listen to the audio or watch the video of the dialogue and repeat after the speakers. This will help you improve your pronunciation and intonation.

  • Listen to the audio or watch the video of the dialogue and try to understand what they are saying. This will help you improve your comprehension and vocabulary.

  • Listen to the audio or watch the video of the dialogue and try to answer the questions that are asked in the dialogue. This will help you improve your speaking and grammar.

  • Listen to the audio or watch the video of the dialogue and try to role-play with a partner or by yourself. This will help you improve your fluency and confidence.

The common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid when using the book

The common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid when using the book are:

  • Skipping or skimming parts of the book that seem too easy or too hard. This will make you miss important information or concepts that are essential for learning Japanese.

  • Relying too much on the English translations or notes. This will make you dependent on them and prevent you from thinking in Japanese.

  • Not reviewing or applying what you have learned in previous lessons. This will make you forget or confuse what you have learned and hinder your progress.

  • Not seeking feedback or help from others. This will make you unaware of your mistakes or difficulties and limit your improvement.

Conclusion: Why you should download Japanese For Busy People I: Kana Version (Japanese For Busy People Series) today?

In conclusion, Japanese For Busy People I: Kana Version (Japanese For Busy People Series) is a great book for busy people who want to learn Japanese. It teaches you kana, which is essential for learning Japanese. It also teaches you vocabulary, grammar, and communication skills that are useful for various situations. It also comes with audio and video materials that help you practice speaking and listening. It also has online exercises and quizzes that help you test your knowledge and skills.

If you download this book today, you will be able to start learning Japanese right away. You will be able to study at your own pace and schedule. You will be able to enjoy learning Japanese in a fun and easy way.

So what are you waiting for? Download Japanese For Busy People I: Kana Version (Japanese For Busy People Series) today and start learning Japanese!

FAQs: Five frequently asked questions about the book

  • Q: How much does the book cost?

  • A: The book costs $29.95 for the paperback version and $19.99 for the Kindle version on Amazon.

  • Q: How long does it take to finish the book?

  • A: It depends on your level, goals, and availability, but a general estimate is about six months if you study one lesson per week.

li>A: No, you don't need to know kanji to use this book. This book uses only kana and romaji (the Latin alphabet) to write Japanese words. However, if you want to learn kanji, you can use other books or resources that teach kanji.

  • Q: Can I use this book without the audio and video materials?

  • A: Yes, you can use this book without the audio and video materials, but we don't recommend it. The audio and video materials are very helpful for improving your listening and speaking skills. They also make learning Japanese more fun and engaging.

  • Q: Can I use this book with a teacher or a tutor?

  • A: Yes, you can use this book with a teacher or a tutor. In fact, we encourage you to do so. A teacher or a tutor can provide you with feedback, guidance, and support that can enhance your learning experience.



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