97436 Zip
The list below includes the cities that the US Post Office accepts for ZIP code 97436.The preferred city may not be the city in which the ZIP is located. The city for 97436 is usually the name of the main post office. When mailing your package or letter, always include the preferred or acceptable cities. Using any city in the list of unacceptable cities may result in delays.
97436 zip
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ZIP code 97436 is located in western Oregon and covers a slightly higher than average land area compared to other ZIP codes in the United States. It also has a slightly less than average population density.
The people living in ZIP code 97436 are primarily white. The number of seniors is extremely large while the number of middle aged adults is extremely large. There are also a slightly higher than average number of single adults and a slightly less than average number of single parents. The percentage of children under 18 living in the 97436 ZIP code is slightly less than average compared to other areas of the country.
The majority of household are owned or have a mortgage. Homes in ZIP code 97436 were primarily built in the 1970s or 1939 or earlier. Looking at 97436 real estate data, the median home value of $238,600 is high compared to the rest of the country. It is also extremely high compared to nearby ZIP codes. So you are less likely to find inexpensive homes in 97436. Rentals in 97436 are most commonly 3+ bedrooms. The rent for 3+ bedrooms is normally $750-$999/month including utilities. Prices for rental property include ZIP code 97436 apartments, townhouses, and homes that are primary residences.
The median household income of $41,538 is compared to the rest of the country. It is also compared to nearby ZIP codes. So 97436 is likely to be one of the nicer parts of town with a more affluent demographic.
As with most parts of the country, vehicles are the most common form of transportation to places of employment. Instead of a commute, a higher percentage of people in 97436 are able to work from home than most places in the nation. In most parts of the country, the majority of commuters get to work in under half an hour. However, that is not the case in 97436. It has a much lower than average number of people that make it to work in under half an hour. The area has an extremely high percentage of people that most travel over 45 minutes to their place of employment. People that commute should be aware of the potentially long commute times.
97436 can be classified socioeconically as a Lower Middle Class class zipcode in comparison to other zipcodes in Oregon based on Median Household Income and Average Adjusted Gross Income. Measuring level of educational attainment the majority of adults in 97436 have at least 1 or More Years of College. The majority race/ethnicity residing in 97436 is White. The majority race/ethnicity attending public schools in 97436 is White. The current unemployment level in 97436 is 5.4%.
The postal code or ZIP code 97436 has Elkton as common cities which are accepted by the US Post Office for this ZIP Code. The ZIP code may be located out ot the preferred city. Post office name is usually the city name for 97436. You are advised to add your ZIP code preffered or acceptable cities for mailing a letter etc. If you use an unacceptable city for your mailing you will end up getting delays.
Below are the cities that the US Postal Service accepts for the ZIP code 97436. This code is specific to the city of Elkton, Oregon, and its surrounding areas. If you are mailing a letter or package to this area, be sure to use this ZIP code to ensure that your mail is properly delivered. The city listed in a ZIP code may not be the preferred city for that area. The city associated with the ZIP code 97436 is typically the name of the main post office for that area. When sending your package or letter, be sure to include the preferred or acceptable city. Using any city not on the list of acceptable cities may result in delays. 041b061a72